Friday, December 23, 2005

On the Way Home

Friday , 23 December, 10am Seoul Korea

I am on the way back. I left Thailand at 0150hr Bangkok time.
I have 10 hours here in the Seoul airport leaving at 1930 local time.
I should arrive LAX at 1330 PST and should be in San Diego at 1630.

Last nite I met my cousin Jean again for dinner accompanied by her grandson Avedon (my 2nd cousin twice removed) and Avi's friend. We ate at a restaurant called "Cabbages and Condoms."
It is part of the PDA...the Population Community and Development Association...a non-governmental organization founded in 1974 to deal with population problems in Thailand. It evolved into dealing with the HIV/AIDS problems here. The founder thinks that condoms should be as easily available as cabbages are...thus the name for it's 4 restaurants and 3 resorts throughout Thailand.
The food was very good and reasonably priced. Excellent Thai food. And the company was interesting.

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