Monday, December 19, 2005

A Better Beach

Monday, 5pm 19 December

I got to this beach by taking one of the "taxi/bus" vehicles that ply the streets of this resort area. They are pick-up trucks with a row of benches on each side. They cost 10 Baht (25 cents) a ride.

I found a better, more restful beach today. It is about a 3km ride south of the main beach.
It has a broader sand beach, a wide brick walkway and no road behind it. It has many palm trees.

With beach chairs placed under a protective array of beach umbrellas. There are vendors of food and massages wondering the area.
I had a 90 minute massage then read a book before going back to the hotel.

You can easily avoid the sun on these beaches with the way they array the umbrellas. If you want sun...take a front chair

Tomorrow morning, I will return to Bangkok for 2+ days before returning to San Diego. I talked to a 2nd cousin who I found out has lived in Bangkok for the last 6 years. I will meet her for dinner tomorrow evening

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